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Gammal 2021-06-24, 05:48   #1
Reg.datum: Jun 2021
Ort: USA
Inlägg: 2
Standard Stadsbyggnader för TS2012

Jag gillar verkligen byggnaderna på, men de är bara för TANE, som min dator inte kan köra. Känner någon till liknande skandinaviska byggnader för versioner TS2012 och lägre? (Jag talar inte svenska och använder Google Translate).
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Gammal 2021-06-24, 09:03   #2
Reg.datum: Jan 2008
Ort: Uppland, Sverige
Inlägg: 2 721

Hi and welcome to the forum!

I will write the response in english for your convenience, even though your (Google Translate's) swedish is flawless

I would say that when it comes to buildings, a majority of the buildings on the STL-site you are linking to are originally made for TS2010 or even older versions of the simulator and should probably work in all Trainz versions TS2009, TS2010, TS2012, even if the download button says TANE. The reason the button says just TANE is because I (the webmaster of the STL-site) have only tested the assets in TANE, when we collected and made packages of them.

Especially the building-packages made by STW on that page you are linking to are made for TRS2004, so those should work in TS2012, I don't think we have made any updates to them.
The only exception on that page that I know of, is tanigardi's beautifully crafted assets, as these are made specifically for TANE.

In case you want to find more swedish building you should try to take a look at the (very unorganized) Trainz download section of this forum: Some of these assets can be found on the STL-page as well.
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Gammal 2021-06-26, 15:38   #3
Reg.datum: Jun 2021
Ort: USA
Inlägg: 2

Ursprungligen postat av korvtiger Visa inlägg
I would say that when it comes to buildings, a majority of the buildings on the STL-site you are linking to are originally made for TS2010 or even older versions of the simulator and should probably work in all Trainz versions TS2009, TS2010, TS2012, even if the download button says TANE.
Tack för svaret; Jag gillar verkligen de nya byggnaderna. Gäller detsamma även rullande materiel på den webbplatsen och beroendefilerna?

Thank you for the response; I really like the new buildings. Does the same also apply to the rolling stock on that website, and the dependency files?
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Gammal 2021-06-26, 17:51   #4
Reg.datum: Jan 2008
Ort: Uppland, Sverige
Inlägg: 2 721

Rolling stock is more tricky. You have to use the TS20xx version of STL source (you can find it under the "övrigt" tab). That package contains the coupler library and som script libraries. But I think some of those scripts might not work with TS2012. But try and see if it works!
The steam engine will not work with pre-TANE versions, because these use TANE specific script features.
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