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2023-09-09, 18:38 | #436 | |
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 793
Hello! These are the tracks that require the Altenburg to Vildau route. Download here: https://rail-sim.de/forum/filebase/e...wildau-v-3-12/ Hope you get to see the tracks! |
2023-09-09, 18:56 | #437 | |
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 796
If I disable certain signals, it's possible to start the route. It seems that the latest TS version is unable to handle some signals or combinations of signals that has worked fine in previous versions. |
2023-09-10, 10:45 | #438 | |
Reg.datum: Feb 2015
Inlägg: 26
Senast redigerad av Pinocchio den 2023-09-10 klockan 10:46. |
2023-09-10, 11:31 | #439 | |
Reg.datum: Feb 2015
Inlägg: 26
2023-09-10, 11:48 | #440 | |
Reg.datum: Feb 2015
Inlägg: 26
Senast redigerad av Pinocchio den 2023-09-10 klockan 11:53. |
2024-06-22, 19:12 | #441 |
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 796
Rutten fungerar i 32 bit om man installerar och kör en äldre version av TS. Jag följde instruktionerna i länken nedan och kopierade över Assets och Content till den "nya" installationen.
The route works in 32 bit if you install and run an older version of TS. I followed the instructions in the link below and copied Assets and Content to the "new" installation. https://forums.dovetailgames.com/thr...-to-tsc.71041/ |
Igår, 01:00 | #442 | |
Reg.datum: Nov 2016
Ort: Canada
Inlägg: 59
Idag, 00:29 | #443 |
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 796
I'm no longer working on the route as it's not working in the later versions of TS. I've been trying to figure out why exactly this is; I understand it's a problem with signal scripts so perhaps it's possible to clean up the scripts, but my knowledge is too limited. I posted about it here: https://forums.dovetailgames.com/thr...updates.82307/
As mentioned above, you can get the latest version of the route to work if you install an older version of TS. This can be kept in a separate location in case you want the current TS version as well. |
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rw-rutter |
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