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Gammal 2017-09-23, 03:23   #46
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267
Smile "brown" locomotive DM2 and DM3

Hello newS
It would be very grateful if you could do the same with the other locomotives in this package, at least the "brown" locomotive DM2 and DM3

I have donated 5 euros extra, just because you paint "Da"
And probably 5 euros further if you fix" DM2 and DM3" in the same way
in new fresh colors
Confirmation Number: 02D976953P9472715

Senast redigerad av Hawk den 2017-09-23 klockan 03:55.
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Gammal 2017-09-23, 18:56   #47
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

Thanks for the donation, Hawk

new textures update:

Da_821_888_textures_update_2017-09-23.rar (This package includes only the textures.)

I've added a clean version of the Da-Lok. This update includes the dirty and clean textures.

click on the image to enlarge:

Senast redigerad av newS den 2017-09-23 klockan 19:09.
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Gammal 2017-09-23, 19:52   #48
Reg.datum: Dec 2015
Ort: Herning, Danmark
Inlägg: 28

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Gammal 2017-09-23, 20:18   #49
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Vendelsö
Inlägg: 4 500

Wow, thank you Swen!
/Mazz ... ... ...
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Gammal 2017-09-23, 22:46   #50
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267
Smile Kostar pengar allt nuförtiden

Är ni medvetna om att man inte längre kan räkna med att få allt gratis...

Ett enda lok på DLC kostar runt tio euro.

Det tycker jag du skall göra också Mazz, därför att du precis som newS är en mycket kompetent 3D byggare

Om jag kunde bygga så bra, så skulle jag be om en donation, men nu kan jag inte det, tyvärr.

Are you aware that you can no longer count on getting everything free ...

A single locomotive on DLC costs around ten euros.

I think you should do the same Mazz because you, like NewS, are a very competent 3D builder

If I could build that well, I would ask for a donation, but now I can not, unfortunately.

Senast redigerad av Hawk den 2017-09-23 klockan 22:54.
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Gammal 2017-09-25, 12:23   #51
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Vendelsö
Inlägg: 4 500

Ursprungligen postat av Hawk Visa inlägg
Är ni medvetna om att man inte längre kan räkna med att få allt gratis...

Ett enda lok på DLC kostar runt tio euro.

Det tycker jag du skall göra också Mazz, därför att du precis som newS är en mycket kompetent 3D byggare

Om jag kunde bygga så bra, så skulle jag be om en donation, men nu kan jag inte det, tyvärr.

Are you aware that you can no longer count on getting everything free ...

A single locomotive on DLC costs around ten euros.

I think you should do the same Mazz because you, like NewS, are a very competent 3D builder

If I could build that well, I would ask for a donation, but now I can not, unfortunately.
Stort tack Hawk för de snälla orden! Jag ska överväga detta även om jag inte riktigt är på NewS och andras nivå...
/Mazz ... ... ...
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Gammal 2017-09-26, 03:49   #52
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

Old version of the EL12 (I know, it's not 100% perfect):

click on the image to enlarge (full HD):

Senast redigerad av newS den 2017-09-26 klockan 04:03.
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Gammal 2017-09-26, 04:31   #53
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Inlägg: 805

Nice. Good work.
smajlet besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2017-09-26, 19:48   #54
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267

Hello newS
The clean Da.. locomotive became very good, apart from a beauty spot.
Would be very grateful if you could fix this


Hawk besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2017-09-27, 22:00   #55
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267
Smile download?

[quote=newS;308922]Old version of the EL12 (I know, it's not 100% perfect):

Hello newS

I think the green EL12 looks very nice.

Will you upload it for download?

Senast redigerad av Hawk den 2017-09-27 klockan 22:02.
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Gammal 2017-09-27, 23:29   #56
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 793

Very nice!
Totte besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2017-10-01, 21:00   #57
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267
Smile Very nice

tio tecken

Senast redigerad av Hawk den 2017-10-01 klockan 21:03.
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Gammal 2018-10-18, 09:24   #58
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

new update:

Da_Dm_Dm3_EL12_locos_by_newS_v1.3_and_UAD-ore-wagon_by_KMW_for_TS2019-Railworks.rar Da, Dm, Dm3, EL12 locos and UAD iron ore wagon v 1.3

Donationware If you like it, please send me a Donation (minimum 1,-Eur) - Paypal: to

I've added new versions of the Da-, Dm3 and El12-locos. This update includes dirty and clean textures and the UAD-Iron-Ore-wagon made by KMW.

click on the image to enlarge (full HD):

18. October 2018


              Da, Dm, Dm3, EL12 locos
                UAD iron ore wagon

                     v 1.3

for Railworks-Train Simulator 2018 (Dovetail Games)



If you like it, please send me a Donation (minimum 1,-Eur)

- Paypal: to


- Da, Dm, Dm3, EL12 - models and textures by newS - Swen Klemund
- UAD iron ore wagon made by KMW - Anders Eriksson
- some sounds by Mawkish & Marcus Gustafsson
- many thanks to Mazz from the swedish forum for the photos :)


Run the utilities.exe and use the Package Manager

   x:\ ... \Steam\steamapps\common\railworks\utilities.exe

terms of use:

- Die in diesem Paket enthaltenen Modelle, Skins und sonstigen Dateien dürfen kostenlos für Privatpersonen
  zum Spielen im Spiel "Train Simulator 2013+" benutzt werden.
- Es ist strikt untersagt das Paket oder Teile davon komerziell zu vertreiben!
- Es dürfen KEINE neuen Skins erstellt und zum Download angeboten werden (oder mich vorher fragen
- die rwp-Datei darf in Content-Sammlungen zu bestimmten Strecken zum Download angeboten werden,
  wenn diese Modelle in der jeweiligen Strecke verbaut sind.
- Es handelt sich hierbei um Modelle zur ausschliesslich privaten Nutzung.
- Ausgewiesene Warenzeichen und Markennamen gehören Ihren jeweiligen Eigentümern.

Wer mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen nicht einverstanden ist, darf dieses Paket nicht nutzen!!!

- The models, skins and other files in this package can be used in "Train Simulator 2013+" by private persons.
- It's forbidden to use this or parts of the package for commercial use.
- It's forbidden to make skins and place them for download (or please first a question to me
- if you make a route with this models, you can add this rwp-file to the download-archiv of your route
- Trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders.

Accepting one or more parts of the terms of use means usage of this package isnt allowed.


On all questions address or

More rolling stock and objects - go to:


Inhalt (Included):

- Da, Dm and El12 locos

- Dm3 1205/1235/1206 brown
- Dm3 1217/1238/1218 brown
- Dm3 1225/1242/1226 brown
- MTAB - UAD iron ore wagon

names in the editors list (consist):
- -Dm3-1205/1235/1206 brown
- -Dm3-1217/1238/1218 brown
- -Dm3-1225/1242/1226 brown
- -MTAB - UAD ore wagon 6x

names in the editors list (locomotions):
- Dm3-xxxx brown

names in the editors list (wagons):
- MTAB Uad

First you must select the addons in the editor:
- sweden

Copyright (C) 2018 by Swen Klemund. All rights reserved.

Senast redigerad av newS den 2018-10-18 klockan 09:34.
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Gammal 2018-10-18, 10:01   #59
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Vendelsö
Inlägg: 4 500

Wonderful, thank you!
/Mazz ... ... ...
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Gammal 2018-10-18, 12:32   #60
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 793

It´s very nice! Thanks!
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