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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > DTG - Train Simulator > Landskapsdesign - DTG - Train Simulator

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Gammal 2021-02-17, 18:24   #316
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 797

Ursprungligen postat av newS Visa inlägg
That's what I did because it doesn't work when they point in both directions.
Hmm, for me it seems to be the other way around! The scenario editor says it can't find a path to the destination, I'm pretty sure it's because of the track direction.

Unless I'm mistaken the dispatcher will only allow routing a train in the right direction, so if you put one way tracks on a single track line, you will only be able to route trains in one direction. Or maybe I'm missing something?
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Gammal 2021-02-17, 18:53   #317
Reg.datum: Nov 2011
Ort: Norway
Inlägg: 359

Ursprungligen postat av Hgv Visa inlägg
Hmm, for me it seems to be the other way around! The scenario editor says it can't find a path to the destination, I'm pretty sure it's because of the track direction.

Unless I'm mistaken the dispatcher will only allow routing a train in the right direction, so if you put one way tracks on a single track line, you will only be able to route trains in one direction. Or maybe I'm missing something?
I also have this problem unfortunately. I can of course drive trains, but without tasks.
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Gammal 2021-02-17, 20:00   #318
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

Sorry, in this version you can only use free drive.
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Gammal 2021-02-17, 22:28   #319
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 793

Jag har också problem att skapa Standard scenario.
Troligen är riktningen.
Jag använder språket svenska i editorn.
Före röda triangeln visar båda riktning. Efter röda triangeln visar upp/ned riktning.

I also have trouble creating the Standard scenario.
Probably the direction.
I use the language Swedish in the editor.
Before the red triangle shows both directions. After the red triangle shows up / down direction.
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Filtyp: jpg 20210217220430_1.jpg (178.1 KB, 153 visningar)
Filtyp: jpg 20210217220447_1.jpg (166.1 KB, 153 visningar)
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Gammal 2021-02-18, 13:56   #320
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 797

Ursprungligen postat av newS Visa inlägg
Sorry, in this version you can only use free drive.
That's too bad. Maybe I'll try to fix it as the route is really beautiful and it would be great to be able to drive some interesting scenarios!

But if you are planning a new version I'll wait.
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Gammal 2021-02-18, 16:07   #321
Tarik Pasic
Reg.datum: Nov 2016
Ort: Canada
Inlägg: 61

A proper Quick Drive would also be nice in a future version of the route, perhaps.
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Gammal 2021-02-18, 16:33   #322
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 793

Nu fungerar scenario Standard!
Jag fixade spåren från hela Kiruna till hela Narvik. Alla stationer också.
Ändrade från enkel riktning till både riktning. Ruttens uppdatering släpper jag om newS tillåter.
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Gammal 2021-02-18, 17:24   #323
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

Ursprungligen postat av Totte Visa inlägg
Nu fungerar scenario Standard!
Jag fixade spåren från hela Kiruna till hela Narvik. Alla stationer också.
Ändrade från enkel riktning till både riktning. Ruttens uppdatering släpper jag om newS tillåter.
Yes, you can.

Many thanks for your help

Senast redigerad av newS den 2021-02-18 klockan 17:36.
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Gammal 2021-02-21, 19:20   #324
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 797

With Totte's update I've been busy creating some scenarios for the route. One thing I noticed when test driving is that in some places the gradient is rather extreme, up to 5%. I'm not sure about the Norwegian side, but the Swedish part of the real route has a maximum gradient of 1.11% (according to Linjeboken). There are also some sharp gradient changes - the smooth gradient tool could be used to fix this.

To make the scenarios work, I've also had to extend some platform markers, as they were too short for a passenger train with 3-4 coaches.

At Stordalen, I found a "milke bottle" - looks like a missing signal (see picture). I wonder what type of signal I'm missing? It's at the junction to the siding (track 3). In real life there is no signal there.
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Gammal 2021-02-21, 23:08   #325
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

Ursprungligen postat av Hgv Visa inlägg
With Totte's update I've been busy creating some scenarios for the route. One thing I noticed when test driving is that in some places the gradient is rather extreme, up to 5%. I'm not sure about the Norwegian side, but the Swedish part of the real route has a maximum gradient of 1.11% (according to Linjeboken). There are also some sharp gradient changes - the smooth gradient tool could be used to fix this.

To make the scenarios work, I've also had to extend some platform markers, as they were too short for a passenger train with 3-4 coaches.

At Stordalen, I found a "milke bottle" - looks like a missing signal (see picture). I wonder what type of signal I'm missing? It's at the junction to the siding (track 3). In real life there is no signal there.
I think it's an old version of a signal that I hadn't deleted when I made new signals.
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Gammal 2021-02-22, 00:47   #326
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 797

Good, so it was nothing missing on my side.

I'm curious if you are planning to do more work on the route? If not I might look at doing some "maintenance" work myself, such as adjusting the gradients, speed limits etc.
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Gammal 2021-02-22, 18:50   #327
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 793

Ja, nu gjorde jag justeringar av spårriktningar resten av hela rutten.
NewS, ska jag släppa uppdateringen igen?
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Gammal 2021-02-22, 19:06   #328
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Inlägg: 805

Härligt samarbete, Tack Totte.
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Gammal 2021-02-23, 15:52   #329
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 797

I have a strange problem with the tunnel hole decals for one of the tunnels between Narvik and Straumsnes (coordinates N 68.45226 E 17.49351).

Whenever I drive the route it looks like in the screenshot, like the tunnel hole decal is missing. When I open the editor the decal is there, and when I exit the editor and go back to driving mode, it looks normal.

This happens every time but so far I have only seen it with this tunnel. Other tunnels look correct.
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Filtyp: jpg tunnel.jpg (181.3 KB, 92 visningar)
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Gammal 2021-02-23, 21:14   #330
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

I sometimes have this at this tunnel and other tunnels. Not always.
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