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Gammal 2014-10-20, 16:39   #241
Reg.datum: Oct 2014
Inlägg: 8

Tack, nu funkar det! Trodde att jag hade installerat filen men hade nog bara laddat ner den...
Tåg-Lasse besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2014-10-22, 14:41   #242
Reg.datum: Jan 2014
Inlägg: 1


unfortunately I can not speak Swedish and my englsich is also not very good.
I wanted to buy the community-ware Rc, but unfortunately it does not work. It comes following error message:

Something went wrong

An automatic message has been sent to our technicians and theywill as soon as Possible investigate the cause.

Error message: Could not wrap requst. Invalid call to Payson: Invalid parameter (email sender)

Please verify your parameters did werewolf sent accor ding to the api-documentation.
Contact Payson Support

Can you help me?

many thanks

Senast redigerad av IORE2000 den 2014-10-22 klockan 14:44.
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Gammal 2015-01-07, 03:23   #243
Reg.datum: Jun 2014
Ort: Phnom Penh
Inlägg: 1
Standard Rc loco purchase

Hi there

Swedish is not my native tongue and google translate is giving mixed results. This is also my 1st post!

How do I purchase the Rc loco and what is the cost? One link I found was €150 which seems a little step.

Any help appreciated.

Cheers, Paul
dx5137 besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2015-01-07, 04:36   #244
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Stockholm
Inlägg: 420

Hello, and welcome to the forum!
The RC loco cost 14 pound/14 euro and can be bought from Members area - Översikt produkter - Köp nu!

After payment you have to download four files and also this one if you have TS2015
Henrik besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2015-02-11, 20:09   #245
Reg.datum: Feb 2015
Ort: Dalarna
Inlägg: 94

Hur mkt skulle det kosta isf. Har ni något cirkapris eller pristaxa?

Erik Widenfalk
Rc1-1007 besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2015-02-11, 20:17   #246
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Stockholm
Inlägg: 420

Hur mycket RC-loket kostar att köpa? Den kostar 150 kronor
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Gammal 2015-02-12, 21:12   #247
Reg.datum: Feb 2015
Ort: Dalarna
Inlägg: 94

jag har köpt och laddat ned den. men nu står det att varje fil är sönder och inte går att installera. blir så förbannad när man betalat och det inte funkar. någon som vet hur man fixar.

TS 2015
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Gammal 2015-02-12, 21:23   #248
Reg.datum: Jun 2009
Ort: Danmark
Inlägg: 1 162

Hej Erik!

Om någon ska ha en chans att hjälpa dig är det en bra början om du berättar vilket felmeddelande du har fått, om du kan ladda upp ett screenshot vore det också bra.

Ingen anledning att bli förbannad, det funkar ju hos andra, så det lär säkerligen också gå att lösa hos dig
mikban besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2015-02-12, 22:08   #249
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Stockholm
Inlägg: 420

Har du laddat ned denna fil också?
Henrik besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2015-02-15, 13:22   #250
Reg.datum: Feb 2015
Ort: Dalarna
Inlägg: 94

Verkar funka nu.

Dock så har Rc5 6 7 fel hytt. Jag saknar också fler Rc2 och Rc3 i GC och SJ målningar ev. Rush rail. Annars hade det varit toppen! Någon som vet hur man ändrar nummerserier etc. Så att man kan få in t.ex 1166 och 1303 i spelet?

Fantastiskt välgjorda modeller! :-)
Rc1-1007 besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2015-03-16, 17:14   #251
Reg.datum: Sep 2014
Inlägg: 14
Standard Error on payment

I can't buy this modell because I'm getting everytime an error.
I tried it with different mail addresses, because of this error. PNs to Fredrik were not answered.
Bifogade bilder
Filtyp: jpg rc.jpg (53.4 KB, 306 visningar)
schweinchen besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2015-03-17, 14:28   #252
Reg.datum: Sep 2014
Inlägg: 14

Ok, I get it to work. no worries
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Gammal 2015-03-27, 09:08   #253
Reg.datum: Sep 2014
Inlägg: 14
Standard Disappointment

Is there still any development on the loco?

I bought it and I'm very disappointed!
The modell is really great but there are so many letdowns..

The cab is the worst I've seen so far. Bad textures and not much interaction possible.
The Rc1 drives nearly 200km/h.
In Rc6 I can't even look outside the side windows.
The pantographs raises and lowers way too fast.
The acceleration seems also to high.

I know this is made by fans in their freetime, but this is the most expensive loco I bought so far and I wouldn't recommend it for others.
There are so many freeware locos that are better than most of the payware.
And this community-ware I consider as a payware for this price.
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Gammal 2015-03-27, 11:00   #254
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 786

Going to tell you a little about the RC set. The locomotive was built by a skilled civil engineer and took charge you (how much I do not know) of Frederick and in addition is not fully repaid.
The cab was made by newS free. If it gets better update I have no idea.

Google translation

Ska berätta lite om RC:n. Loket byggdes av en skicklig civilingenjör och tog betalt (hur mycket vet jag inte) av Fredrik och dessutom är inte helt återbetalda.
Hytten gjordes av newS gratis. Om det blir bättre uppdatering har jag ingen aning om.

Senast redigerad av Totte den 2015-03-27 klockan 11:05.
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Gammal 2015-03-27, 14:31   #255
Reg.datum: Sep 2014
Inlägg: 14

I know that already about the engineer.

I really don't want to sound unrespectful. I love that loco and I want to support your project. I also respect newS' work and are looking forward to his route.
Nevertheless as a "customer" I have expectation and after the buy I'm disappointed about this product.
After 6 years of production I expected a little more. If there were pictures of the cab to see before bying maybe I hadn't bought this one.

At least the key facts should be right, I think. (max. speed)
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