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Gammal 2020-11-11, 11:21   #17
Reg.datum: Jun 2010
Ort: Yxlan, Norrtälje
Inlägg: 1 303

Jag har gjort lite ändringar avseende lokets design och då
speciellt vattentankens höjd och fönster storlekarna.

Dessutom nytt rökscenario varvid röken regleras av regulatorn under lokets gång.

Below picture shows loco parameters that can be changed in Surveyor mode:

Below picture shows loco parameters that can be changed in Driver mode:

Note. You have to move the loco once, before some of the parameters will be accessible.

Valid keyboard cmds for this loco:
alt-x Toggle disconnect loco. This procedure lasts for 4 minutes.
alt-f Toggle close/open front windows.
alt-v Toggle left cabin window/door.
alt-h Toggle right cabin door/window.
alt-d Toggle draincocks => smoke scenario
shift-i Starting ejector => smoke scenario
n Increase blower. (3 positions) => smoke scenario
shift-n Decrease blower. (3 positions) => smoke scenario
alt-t Tough start. Wait to start till safetyvalve sounds.

2 levers in cabin affecting the smoke amount:

Download of loco and cabin:

Senast redigerad av vovven47 den 2020-11-11 klockan 11:27.
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