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Mat54 2019-08-19 17:23

Swedish signal placements question

I have a question about where you should place the NewS signals when you are building a route. I know all signals and what they mean but i don't know where on the track i should place for example an H5 signal. I don't know if there is a tutorial about this already, so that's why i ask it

Hgv 2019-08-20 12:46

The manual that comes with the signals explains it briefly, but I'm not aware of any detailed tutorial. If you download my route Jönköpingsbanan you will find many examples of how the signals are placed, ranging from small stations with just one diverging track, to Stockholm C which is a bit (! ;)) more complex.

If you are making a real route you could try and find videos and photos online to see what the actual signals look like.

In general you need to figure out which aspect you want the signal to be able to show. For the H5, the lowest of the five lamps would only be used to signal "vänta kör 40" ("expect 40"), so you would only need the H5 if the next signal is able to show "kör 40" ("drive 40"). I hope that makes sense. :)

Mat54 2019-08-20 18:17

yes that's a good tip thanks!

Hgv 2019-08-22 12:17

Also if you want to make a real life route, I can highly recommend checking this out:

That site has very detailed data for the entire Swedish rail network, including the placement and numbering of every signal and sign, track names, speed limits (STH), details of gradients and curve radius, level crossings etc. The SHP files can be imported into Google Earth where you can just click on each item on the map for details.

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