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LLJ 2005-01-20 07:11

Mycket viktig info från Auran!

Har via TPR's sida fått veta att servern för Auran forums fått säkerhetsinstrång, så om ni har samma lösenord här, byt genast ut det, för säkerhets skull.


Janne 2005-01-20 07:40

Det är gjort nu. Tack för tipset.
Admin Svenska 3D-Tåg

Fredrik 2005-01-20 08:14

Varför går Auran inte ut med information om detta på sin sida då detta även påverkar "Planet Auran"

I så fall kan ju samma personer komma åt uppgifter som finns på Planet Auran.

Otroligt dåligt att låta det ske. Väldigt Svagt Auran! :(
Innan jag sågar dem totalt vill jag dock ha mer fakta...

Admin Svenska 3D-Tåg

Fredrik 2005-01-20 08:24

Här är informationen från Auran

Auran would like to advise you that the following email is being distributed to all Trainz community members. We have sought permission from the forum owners to post this here.

This is to let you know that a security breach has occurred on the Auran server that hosts The Trainz, Jet and MyVirtualHome forums. This breach was discovered a few days ago and the decision was made to bring the server down in order to investigate further.

Our investigation has revealed that your Planet Auran member and/or MyVirtualHome citizen profile may have been compromised. We would like to point out that there exists no evidence that your details have been accessed and in fact the nature of the attack on our servers would seem to indicate that this scenario is indeed unlikely. However, given the aforementioned, it remains a possibility that this may have occurred and our recommendation is for you immediately change your password via the Plant Auran profile or MyVirtualHome Citizen page. If you also use this username/password combination with other internet accounts, such as banking, then you should also change the password on those sites as soon as possible.

Please note that Auran's e-commerce service is not affected by this breach and that there is no problem at all with the security of your financial records. In addition, Auran’s e-commerce server does not store your credit card number so that even in the event of a breach there is no information that could be accessed.

Our analysis of this attack has gathered a lot of information from logs present on the server, and we will be providing this information to other sys admins whose servers were used in this attack and also providing the information we have to the Australian Federal Police Internet unit. Finally, the nature of the attack has highlighted the area in which the security of the server was breached and we have made modifications to the server to prevent this type of attack from occurring again.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused and we hope to have the forums up and running again very soon.


Lance Jago

Admin Svenska 3D-Tåg

Rc1166 2005-01-20 11:00

Senaste nytt från Auran är att Trainz forum troligen inte kommer upp före måndag (24/1)

De av er som har använt samma username och password som på Aurans forum även på andra ställen bör byta password på övriga ställen, de av er som skickat kontokortsuppgifter i samband med direkt köp från Auran behöver inte vara oroliga då dessa uppgifter INTE ligger på den hackade datorn.
/ovan är en snabb översättning från den senaste informationen jag fått/


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