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Spelet kom från England(Boråstrakterna i folkmun) och åkte till sydligare delar av Sverige(Växjö), bara någon timmes resa från världens mittpunkt där KRS just nu rullar på för fullt!:D Skämt åsido, om det nu kan kallas skämt ens. Det känns kul att forumet är först av alla med spelet, en bragd minst sagt! Tack till Fredrik samt Mazz som handhar distribuering och allt vad det innebär! |
Okay thanks Olaf. I thought they would add both the american & European routes on the same disc. Now that doesn't make any sense why they would seperate the routes like that. I guess it just means more money for them. :( Now that means I have to purchase both disc if I want both versions. Now that is completely silly. :mad: BTW how do you like the sim? Better than MSTS? Hey Fredrik if you read this do you have any copies left of the rail simulator? I'll like to purchase one. How much are you asking for it? Thanks. |
Sweden is the first
Sorry Olaf, but I think the EA in Sweden has done something wrong. Okay they can release products before the deadline but they usually wont do that. So for this kind of act there is a reason. Maybe they produced the bugged version and too many of them and thought that swedes wont complain? :p
For others of you it is rather stupid order or even ask copies they have still left for sale. Think how many days more it will take if Olaf or Fredrik will take your copy to post and then will it have to go Germany or Italy? Week or two? You will get it faster from your own retailer. I am from Finland the lovely neighbour of sweden. I would consider for waiting their copy to be sent but I think Finnish retailers will have it sooner. So waiting and waiting... |
Okay, this seems that this ia about to get nasty. :cool: So what are you saying Artzi, that those that got the sim got bugged copies??? Now you tell me why EA would do something stupid like that? Or maybe I'm missing somethinghere. Is this a thing between both countries or what??
EA will release update. They did maybe too many copies in the early producing phase so someone decided to sell those for Swedish. Because the other more enthusiastic people like Germans or British would have begun rioting at the streets because of that! :)
Our copies is the REAL thing. EOD
Artzi, can you prove what you say? If not, don´t speak! |
I think the democracy lets me speak. :tumupp: I am not trying to spoil your excitement. I am confused and thinking reasons why the game is "out now" in Sweden but rest of the Europe still waits. Of course money is the reason but according to those bug reports you have here in Swedish forum I think this kind of "releasing the bugged copies first" act is not new. We can see that in a couple of days.
I can be jealous but there is a reason, EARS! :) But what I have seen from the screenshots Fredrik has post, they are really bad quality.:mad: Even Trainz 2006 looked better which I totally threw out of window because the graphics sucked. Happily it was only the demo. Please say that these bad quality screenies only exists because of his Geforce 6600 gts 128mb or what he said he had.. :( |
If you go to Swedish gamestores, you see that the game is not out yet! Fredrik got a deal with EA about selling a number of copies to this forums members. How this deal was made I don´t know????
Yes, we have democracy and can say what we want. But because we can say what we want, we do not always do that. I think a person is more trustworthy if he can backup what he says! |
Yes, you are right, on EAs page it says it´s out. But where can you buy it?
I have looked in swedish gamestores and you can´t buy it yet, only reserve it! Look here: http://www.discshop.se/shop/ds_produ...&subsite=games and here: http://www.webhallen.com/prod.php?id=79245 It say release 2007-10-11 on both!!!! |
I think the Swedish stores will get their own today. It depends retail store`s staff how fast they will arrange the game for sale. And if they are ( they are ) looking the release date and it is 11th october they wont put the game on the shelf before I bet. Thats why you cant see it yet.
EA should be right now delivering copies for stores. Today or tomorrow the biggest game sellers will have it or should have it..:confused: |
Yes that's correct. The game arrived at EAs (Sweden) ware on oct 5th and are now being delivered to the game sellers.
Hej! Va ja förstår är väl det här forumet svenskt så ja tycker ja man ska skriva på svenska å inte på engelska.Det tycker ja iallafall.
gubben50 |
Gissar Bengt |
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