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Totte 2011-04-06 23:31

How are things going with landscape-construction?
This route is very fine!

newS 2011-04-10 01:42

i'm working...

klick on the images to enlarge (full HD):

Mawkish 2011-04-10 12:02

Good to have you back from Dragon Age ;) Very nice screenies of Luleå! :tumme_upp:

KMW 2011-04-10 12:12

Gosh, you are all the way down in Luleå now also!?! :ber:
Entire line Luleå to Narvik, that is many hours of continuous running.

newS 2011-04-10 12:49

I played Dragon Age 2 only a few hours, because it isn't as good as Dragon Age Origins.

The last weeks ago I put the rails from Gällivare to Luleå in the RW2.

This is my actually load sceeen:
klick on the image to enlarge (full HD):

Totte 2011-04-10 14:30
Very nice!

Pierre 2011-04-10 19:40

Looks great!

Andreas13 2011-04-10 20:38

Looks great:tumme_upp:

BigVern 2011-04-11 09:08

I am really looking forward to driving this, happy memories of touring Norway and Sweden by train in the 1980's.

newS 2011-06-26 03:08

thanks for the comments :)


At the last weeks I have placed all water from Luleå to Nattavaara.

Today I've made the Nattavaara stations-house:

klick on the image to enlarge (full HD):

Mawkish 2011-06-26 12:39

Calling this a stationhouse is kinda streching it a tiny bit its more like an enlarged "utedass" ;) Anyhow it sure looks like the real thing, great work as always! :ber::applad:

newS 2012-01-13 01:57

klick on the image to enlarge (full HD):

ocvn 2012-01-13 02:34

Niiice :tumme_upp:

Have you made your own set of rails ? :)

Totte 2012-01-13 10:37

Very Very good! :tumme_upp:

gubben50 2012-01-13 15:19

Niiice :tumupp:

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